Friday, 22 July 2011

Clean Hedgehogs

At least after their bath day the hogs are all smelling a bit sweeter - ready for the next Birthday Party.

Siren the Harris' Hawk flew free yesterday and did very well - flew her over the fields and she stayed focussed the whole time. Need to take her along to some busier places in readiness for next Wed at Thurleigh Farm Centre. She'll wonder what's going on when she sees all the children!

Thursday, 21 July 2011

Hedgehog Bath

Hedgehogs do not like bathing.

But - if the hog in question is seriously fouled then carefully placing them under slow running water and agitating their spines with a toothbrush can help . . . .

Also arrived . .

As well as finally receiving the reptile food (which they're very grateful for) - another batch of frozen chicks arrived too. Equally important for the carnivores in the collection!

Happy Animals . . . .

Finally the food arrived - so Geckos and Lizards are happy. Rats and mice are ecstatic - chasing their food around like crazy!

Tuesday, 19 July 2011

Delivery Issues 2

At least it was the frozen food that turned up. Should get crickets and mealworms tomorrow. I know some geckos that will be very pleased to see them.

Delivery Issues

After spending all morning waiting for a food delivery, turns out the driver couldn't find the house. That wasn't too bad - except when it did arrive it turns out half of the delivery was on the wrong truck, heading for Scotland!

Friday, 15 July 2011

First Flight

Siren, the female Harris' Hawk flew for customers yesterday for the first time this year. She did very well and gave an unforgettable experience. She's a highly experienced bird (15 years old) but has had some time off so it was nice to see her back to her old self.

The snake that had problems shed the rest of it's skin (with a little help from some warm water).

Wednesday, 13 July 2011


All the snakes fed well. One Corn snake failed to shed his lower jaw and belly - still tightly attached. Moistened and left to settle.


Well, the website is up and running. Would have done more to it today, but it is snake cleaning/feeding day - also trying to redo the hawk enclosure.